Online poker can be a great deal of fun and if you “play your cards” right, you could very well enjoy handsome winnings within a short period of time. Many articles referencing online poker tips involve strategies, gameplay and similar methods to enhance your current skills. However, it is just as important to remember that poker etiquette plays a very important role. After all, simply because you are playing anonymously from the comfort of your own home does not signify that you can be rude to others. Let us take an in-depth look at a handful of expert suggestions as well as how they can enhance your overall experience.
Courtesy is One of the Unwritten Rules of Poker
Players can and will make mistakes from time to time. However, this is no reason to berate a competitor over a bad call or a poor decision. Try to place yourself in their shoes. Would you prefer a bit of constructive criticism or a biting attack that might turn you off to the website entirely? Sometimes referred to as “tapping the glass”, this approach must be avoided at all costs. The online poker environment should be fun and supportive. Let’s also not forget that some portals will ban players for such ill-tempered actions.
All About Momentum
One of the reasons why poker fans choose online portals arises from the fact that the majority offer fast-paced action. This is why another one of the most relevant poker tips involves keeping up the momentum of the hand. This is not necessarily to say that you should rush an important decision. On the contrary, take your time when examining your options. Try to imagine yourself at a live table. What is the appropriate window for committing to a specific action? Embrace this same perspective when playing the online variant. If you delay your actions, other will become frustrated and some players might even leave the round entirely. No one likes a competitor who drags his or her feet.
Basic Poker Etiquette: Avoid Slow Rolling
In truth, there can be times when such an action is justified. The most common situation is if you are competing with a player who has been particularly rude or who has performed the same actions. It is nonetheless a good idea to avoid this practice. Slow rolling can quickly incense others and lead to heated gameplay that is otherwise not necessary. If you have come to a final decision, put it into action. This also ensures that individual rounds will not take an inordinate amount of time; important if you hope to leverage the fluid nature of online poker.
Leave Your Emotions at the Door with a Poker Etiquette
Emotions can be the worst enemy of any player if they are allowed to overtake logic; particularly if these feelings are negative. Not only should you refrain from using profanities and other forms of online aggression, but you need to know when to call it quits. If you have become irate or overly frustrated, it is much better to take a breath and to return to the table at a later date. A bit of relaxation will go a long way.
Keep Your Place in the Order
Acting out of turn is one of those rules of poker which should not have to be emphasised and yet, some players jump ahead as opposed to adhering to the standard clockwise order. There are two main issues with this. Such an action might encourage others to do the same. Perhaps more importantly, acting out of turn can give specific players an unfair advantage (particularly if they know that they possess a winning hand). Be courteous and maintain your patience. The pot is not likely to disappear.
Maintain Your Composure After a Losing Hand
In terms of relevant online poker tips, one overlooked area revolves around what should (and should not) be done after a hand. Some players will lament at their string of luck and place a phrase within the chat forum such as “I cannot believe that I lost an ace and a king”. Never forget that this could give others a distinct advantage that would have not otherwise been possible (such as a player forming two pair). Keep your thoughts to yourself.
Although these poker tips might seem rather intuitive, they are still important to mention. Developing courteous and intuitive habits early on is the best way to enjoy what this amazing game has to offer.